4 Da Treasures Within U!

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Location: Lagos State, Nigeria

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Regardless... 2

No Scientist has succeeded in creating a living part, but God created the heavens, the wild beast of the earth and seas in 5 days, and He topped it with the crown of His creation on the 6th day; MAN…

No Economist can economise resources for 1 year without replenishing, but God made the heavens and earth and all the resources in them 6000+ years ago, and rested!!! (He’s still resting till now….)

No artist can draw such a gorgeous picture and give it out free, but God made the sunset and gave it out to tantalise us everyday of our lives…

No Gynaecologist/Fertility Drugs can give you a child in your old age, but God gave Abraham a son when he was 100 years and his wife 90…

No Historian can change destiny, but God changed Jabez from being a child of sorrow to a man of honour…

No Army dare go to war unarmed, but God gave unarmed Elijah victory over Ahab the King of Israel single-handedly…

No Magician dare confront a lion, but God shut the mouths of the lions when Daniel had to spend the night with them…

No Doctor can raise a dead man up, but God raised up Lazarus from the grave after 3 days…

No Philanthropist can provide lunch for half a city, but God fed 5,000 men with several women and children with 5 loaves and 2 fishes and had 12 baskets of leftovers...

No Astrologer can tell you your future, but God declared your end from the beginning, and called it GLORY, Halleluyah…

No Psychologist can change a serial killer, but God saved Saul, changed his name to Paul and sent him as an ambassador to the Gentiles…

No Professor/Scholar has written a book that is celebrated for 1000 years, but God’s Word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart 6000+ years till now…

He gave Enoch eternity with Him, Solomon wisdom, Job a double portion, Paul a second chance, and ‘since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen beside God what God has prepared to give you as you wait for him - Isaiah 64:4

What more to say, God is God, and not a Man.

Love, Janmo!